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Utah OnLaw: The Utah Law Review Online Supplement
Welcome to Utah OnLaw
Utah OnLaw is the online supplement for the Utah Law Review. OnLaw mainly publishes articles by Utah practitioners on relevant issues of Utah law. Our goal is to provide members of the Utah Bar and Utah judiciary with current, useful information about local issues.
OnLaw is a light edit journal and the editorial standards for OnLaw are the same as the print journal. Articles are published on a rolling basis so there is no deadline for submissions. Offers to publish are generally made within two weeks of submission.
Articles may be submitted for consideration, preferably in Microsoft Word format, through Digital Commons. Alternatively, submissions can also be sent directly to onlaw@utahlawreview.org. All submissions must conform to the following guidelines:
Authors. OnLaw gives priority to publishing articles by Utah practitioners, however, all timely, relevant articles from legal scholars and practitioners will be considered. In addition, OnLaw also publishes articles of exceptional quality from students currently enrolled at the S.J. Quinney College of Law.
Length. OnLaw articles should be between 3,500 and 6,000 words, including footnotes, although articles falling slightly outside of this range will still be considered if they are of good quality. Articles over 8,000 words will not be considered.
Style & Citations. OnLaw articles can be less formal and more lightly footnoted than the articles published in the print journal. All citations should conform to the Bluebook.
All questions should be addressed to Brooke Parrish, Executive Online Editor, at onlaw@utahlawreview.org.
Archived volumes of OnLaw are located here.