

As should be abundantly clear by this Article, the stakes of bans on genderaffirming health care for transgender adolescents are existential. The recent flood of state-law bans is a low point in the ongoing fight to ensure that all people truly enjoy the liberties and protections guaranteed by our state and federal constitutions. Stories like Utah’s are more likely the rule, not the exception. Legislatures around the country are rushing to push through this legislation as quickly as possible, seemingly to catch their opponents off guard. The overwhelming majority of federal district courts to consider these laws find them repulsive to the promises of the documents that govern our states and nation. Nonetheless, there is a split among federal circuits that the U.S. Supreme Court has been asked to resolve. If the Court follows the better reasoned, more persuasive arguments against such bans, as it should, it will mark a significant victory in protecting the dignity and lives of transgender youth.
