
About This Journal

The Utah Law Review was founded in 1948 to serve the interests of law students, the bar, and the academy by publishing meaningful legal scholarship.

The Utah Law Review is an entirely student-published journal, helmed by second- and third-year law students from the University of Utah’s S. J. Quinney College of Law.

The Utah Law Review publishes five issues each year, creating one volume. Two of these issues are “general” issues featuring thought-provoking articles and notes on distinct topics. Two issues are themed: one curates environmentally-focused articles and notes, and the other centers on a topic of the Editorial Board’s choosing, such as social justice or health law.

Finally, one issue brings the year’s symposium to print with timely and engaging pieces.

The Utah Law Review is committed to two ends:

1. Publishing quality legal scholarship that is timely, relevant, bold, and poised to contribute new insights to the national legal discussion, and

2. Treating authors with respect and total commitment throughout the collaborative publication process.

COPYRIGHT: © 2024 by the Utah Law Review Society. (ISSN 0042- 1448). This is an open access journal. Except as otherwise noted, each article’s copyright owner grants permission for educational use by nonprofit institutions provided that the author and journal are identified, that proper notice of copyright is affixed to each copy of the article, and that copies are distributed at or below cost. Please see Creative Commons License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: The editors of the Utah Law Review wish to express their gratitude to Professor Jonas Anderson, faculty advisor; Angela Turnbow, editorial assistant; the S.J. Quinney College of Law faculty and staff; and our friends and families for their support.