Content Posted in 2020
42nd Annual Foulston-Siefkin Lecture: The Next Wave of Fourth Amendment Challenges After Carpenter, Matthew Tokson
A Balanced Consideration of the Federal Circuit’s Choice-of-Law Rule, Jennifer E. Sturiale
Amici Curiae Brief of Law Professors et al., Pine Mountain Preserve, LLP v. Commissioner, filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, Nancy McLaughlin
Amici Curiae Brief, Pine Mountain Preserve, LLP V. Commissioner, Filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, Nancy McLaughlin
Assessing the Performance of Voluntary Environmental Programs, Luis Inaraja Vera
Before Loving: The Lost Origins of the Right to Marry, Michael Boucai
Beyond the Antiquities Act: Can the BLM Reconcile Energy Dominance and National Monument Protection?, John C. Ruple and Heather Tanana
Brief of Amicus Curiae Professor Jorge L. Contreras In Support Of Appellee and Affirmance in FTC v. Qualcomm, Jorge L. Contreras
Changing Consultation, Elizabeth Kronk Warner, Kathy Lynn, and Kyle Whyte
Chapter 2: Western Public Land Law and the Evolving Management Landscape, John C. Ruple
Chapter 7: Wild Places and Irreplaceable Resources: Protecting Wilderness and National Monuments, John C. Ruple
Consumer Financial Protection in the COVID-19 Crisis: An Emergency Agenda, Richard Cordray, Diane E. Thompson, and Christopher L. Peterson
Conventions and Convictions: A Valuative Theory of Punishment, Daniel Maggen
Crisis at the Pregnancy Center: Regulating Pseudo-Clinics and Reclaiming Informed Consent, Teneille R. Brown
Cryptocorporations: A Proposal for Legitimizing Decentralized Autonomous Organizations, Timothy Nielsen
Debunking the Myths Behind the NEPA Review Process, John C. Ruple and Heather Tanana
Digital Services Tax: A Cross-Border Variation of the Consumption Tax Debate, Young Ran Kim
Digital Services Tax: A Cross-Border Variation of the Consumption Tax Debate, Young Ran Kim
Disclosing the Danger: State Attorney Ethics Rules Meet Climate Change, Victor B. Flatt
Disentangling Disinformation: What Makes Regulating Disinformation So Difficult?, Jason Pielemeier
Does Bail Reform Increase Crime? An Empirical Assessment of the Public Safety Implications of Bail Reform in Cook County, Illinois, Paul Cassell and Richard Fowles
Does NEPA Help or Harm ESA Critical Habitat Designations? An Assessment of Over 600 Critical Habitat Rules, John C. Ruple, Michael J. Tanana, and Merrill M. Williams
Employees as Regulators: The New Private Ordering in High Technology Companies, Jennifer S. Fan
Enduring Design for Business Entities, William E. Foster
Explaining the Recent Homicide Spikes in U.S. Cities: The 'Minneapolis Effect' and the Decline in Proactive Policing, Paul Cassell
Exploiting the Charitable Contribution Deduction’s Hypersalience, Eric S. Smith
Fear of the Queer Child, Clifford Rosky
Force, Inc.: The Privatization of Punishment, Policing, and Military Force in Liberal States, Clifford Rosky
Freedom of the Press in Post-Truthism America, RonNell Anderson Jones and Lisa Grow Sun
Frontiers in Precision Medicine IV: Artificial Intelligence, Assembling Large Cohorts, and the Population Data Revolution, Adam Bress, Rich Albrechtsen, Monika Baker, Jorge L. Contreras, Zachary Fica, Austin Gamblin, Chelsea Ratcliff, Bianca E. Rich, Matt A. Szaniawski, Alyssa Thorman, Chad VanSant-Webb, and Willard Dere
George Perkins Marsh: Anticipating the Anthropocene, Robin Kundis Craig
How Effective Are Police? The Problem of Clearance Rates and Criminal Accountability, Shima Baughman
In a World of “Fake News,” What’s a Social Media Platform to do?, Evelyn Mary Aswad
Indigenous Rights and Climate Change: The Influence of Climate Change on the Quantification of Reserved Instream Water Rights for American Indian Tribes, Dylan R. Hedden-Nicely and Lucius K. Caldwell
Information Hacking, Derek E. Bambauer
In Pursuit of Economic Justice: The Political Economy of Domestic Violence Laws and Policies, Deborah M. Weissman
Interruptions in Search of a Purpose: Oral Argument in the Supreme Court, October Terms 1958–60 and 2010–12, Barry Sullivan and Megan Canty
Is Biopharma Ready for the Standards Wars?, Jorge L. Contreras
Jury Nullification: The Current State of the Law, Louisa Heiny
Kansas v. Boettger: On Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the Supreme Court of the State of Kansas, Paul Cassell, John Ehrett, Allyson N. Ho, Bradley Hubbard, Matthew Scorcio, Philip Axt, and Thomas Molloy
Like Father, Like Son: Homosexuality, Parenthood, and the Gender of Homophobia, Clifford Rosky
Mandatory Disclosure in Primary Markets, Andrew A. Schwartz
Measuring the NEPA Litigation Burden: A Review of 1,499 Federal Court Cases, John C. Ruple and Kayla Race
Media Literacy Beyond the National Security Frame, Lili Levi
Medical Paradigms for Counseling: Giving Clients Bad News, Linda F. Smith
Money Talks: Using Prior Salary as an Affirmative Defense in Equal Pay Claims, Mariah Savage
MPEG LA’s Use of a Patent Pool to Solve the CRISPR Industry’s Licensing Problems, Patrick Neville
Natural Resources and Natural Law Part II: The Public Trust Doctrine, Robert W. Adler
NEPA and the Energy Policy Act of 2005 Statutory Categorical Exclusions: What Are the Environmental Costs of Expedited Oil and Gas Development?, Mark Capone and John C. Ruple
NEPA, FLPMA, and Impact Reduction: An Empirical Assessment of BLM Resource Management Planning in the Mountain West, John C. Ruple and Mark Capone
NEPA—Substantive Effectiveness Under a Procedural Mandate: Assessment of Oil and Gas EISs in the Mountain West, John C. Ruple and Mark Capone
Networks of Empathy, Thomas E. Kadri
No Promo Hetero: Children's Right to Be Queer, Clifford Rosky
On Brown v. Board of Education and Discretionary Originalism, Ronald Turner
Perry v. Schwarzenegger and the Future of Same-Sex Marriage Law, Clifford Rosky
Postemployment Noncompete Agreements: Why Utah Should Depart from the Majority, Christopher Mack
Prosecutors and Mass Incarceration, Shima Baughman
Protecting Crime Victims in State Constitutions: The Example of the New Marsy's Law For Florida, Paul Cassell and Margaret Garvin
Raping Indian Country, Sarah Deer and Elizabeth Kronk Warner
Research And Repair: Expanding Exceptions To Patent Infringement In Response to a Pandemic, Jorge L. Contreras
Resilience Theory and Wicked Problems, Robin Kundis Craig
Restoring the Public Interest in Western Water Law, Mark Squillace
Rewriting Judicial Recusal Rules with Big Data, Raymond J. McKoski
Second Amici Curiae Brief of Law Professors et al., Pine Mountain Preserve, LLP v. Commissioner, filed in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit, Nancy McLaughlin
Sexual Violence and Future Harm: Lessons from Asylum Law, Shawn E. Fields
Supreme Court Clerks and the Death Penalty, Matthew Tokson
Taking Account of the Ecosystem on the Public Domain: Law and Ecology in the Greater Yellowstone Region, Robert B. Keiter
Testing the Models of Tax Compliance: The Use-tax Experiment, Adam B. Thimmesch
The Global Standards Wars: Patent and Competition Disputes in North America, Europe and Asia, Jorge L. Contreras
The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem Revisited: Law. Science, and the Pursuit of Ecosystem Management in an Iconic Landscape, Robert B. Keiter
The Incidental Environmental Agency, Tara K. Righetti
The Incomplete Rule of Completeness: Taking a Stand on Federal Rule of Evidence 106, Louisa Heiny and Emily Nuvan
The Legalization of Restorative Justice: A Fifty-State Empirical Analysis, Thalia González
The Road to Paris Runs Through Delaware: Climate Litigation and Directors’ Duties, Lisa Benjamin
The Technical Standardization Ecosystem and Institutional Decision Making: The Case of Intellectual Property Rights Policies, Justus Baron, Jorge L. Contreras, Martin Husovec, Pierre Larouche, and Nikolaus Thumm
The Tribal Right to Exclude Non-Tribal Members from Indian-Owned Lands, Alexander Tallchief Skibine
Up in the Air: A Fifty-State Survey of Atmospheric Trust Litigation Brought by Our Children’s Trust, Anna Christiansen
U.S. v. Briggs: Brief of Members of Congress As Amici Curiae in Support of Petitioner, Paul Cassell, John Ehrett, Allyson N. Ho, Bradley Hubbard, Philip Axt, Jodeph Barakat, and Thomas Molloy
Water Law and Climate Change in the United States: A Review of the Scholarship, Robin Kundis Craig
When the Wrong People are Immune, Teneille R. Brown
Who Will Check the Checkers? False Factcheckers and Memetic Misinformation, Andrew Moshirnia
Why We Fear Genetic Informants: Using Genetic Genealogy to Catch Serial Killers, Teneille R. Brown