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What can be done do increase extraterritorial enforcement of sexual exploitation crimes? To start, it would help if the United Nations established a convention to impose an obligation on signatory nations to adopt a criminal prohibition of sexual exploitation. In her presentation to the UN Human Rights Council, Special Rapporteur Najat Maalla M’jid suggests proposing a set of laws that can be easily adopted by all states. Such a broad set of laws would need to include a legal definition of child pornography, criminalize the mere possession of child pornography, criminalize sexual exploitation crimes facilitated by computers, and require all Internet Service Providers to report possible offenders and retain data to use in prosecutions. M’jid also suggests creating a global database of sorts to track typical offender behavior and what laws and enforcement tools actually work.
Recommended Citation
Kfoury, Michelle, "To Catch a Predator Abroad: A Call for Greater Extraterritorial Enforcement of Sexual Exploitation of Children" (2017). Utah Law Student Scholarship. 3.